Are you worried about finding a credible in-store lender? Is your aim to find a fast lender with not so exorbitant fees on their payday or installment loans?
Then, start considering Cashstore loans. They are specifically tailored to consumers with damaged or no credit scores. This lender is speedy too, offering loans not in a couple of hours or days, but in minutes.
Cashstore Loan Review: Things to Know
Cash Store has a long-established history of offering loans. They began operating in 1996. That makes the company over 20 years old. They have over 300 physical loan stores in six states, including Michigan, Illinois, Idaho, Texas, Utah, Wisconsin, and New Mexico. Let’s take a look at the Cash Store reviews.
Cashstore Financial Services
- Installment/personal loans
You can access a max Cash Store loan amount of $5,000. Cash Store has a high approval rate. They grant loans to over 90% of all customers who apply. The loan amount might differ from state to state, for instance, customers in Illinois, Utah, and Wisconsin can only borrow up to $3,000 due to state lending laws.
- Cash advances/payday loans
Their small-dollar cash loans allow you to borrow up to $865. The loan amount available is influenced by the state’s regulations, for instance, in Michigan, you can only access $600.
You’ll have 14 days to repay the amount in one lump sum payment. Continue reading “Cashstore Loans – Online Cumulative In-Store Lender for Payday & Installment Loans”