About Us
Vesta, a family owned and managed business, is currently in its third-generation of leadership hailing from a well-established diamond family. In recent decades, Vesta has grown to become synonymous with natural rare diamonds and gem stones and is considered one of the world’s premier suppliers of such treasures to wholesalers, jewelers, investors, and collectors alike.
With a focus and specialty in ethically-sourced gems, we pride ourselves on our high quality, rare and diverse inventory, built through decades long relationships with mines, wholesalers, manufactures, and auction houses. We differentiate ourselves through a multi-pronged approach, thanks to a strategic decision made by our founders decades ago. We boast the unique ability to offer our clientele both colored-stones and diamonds, whether that be rare fancy-colored diamonds or fiery Burmese rubies, making us an ideal partner for any rare gemstone requirement. By viewing ourselves as partners rather than suppliers to our clientele, we place immense importance on understanding their business needs intimately. This, in turn, allows us to better tailor our offerings and evolve over time with our clients’ needs, resulting in long-lasting, symbiotic relationships.